Eclectic House
Location: Crouch End
Type: Residential
Stage: Complete
Brief: Rear Extension
This project included an extension to the rear of the main house, to allow for additional internal accommodation. The extension had to be carefully designed, due to the nature of the existing dwelling and adjoining properties, along with the fact that there was no relevant precedence in the immediate area. Elements such as context, materiality, height and scale along with impact on adjoining neighbours where carefully considered, to ensure a positive outlook for the clients and adjoining neighbours, along with ensuring the overall design is complimentary to the existing house, remains subordinate and is sensitive to the surroundings.
To the rear of the property at ground floor level, a full width extension, 4metres from the main rear wall of the main house was erected. To the eastern boundary, the side wall has been set back from the boundary to prevent overshadowing or creating an overbearing affect to the adjoining neighbour. The flank wall to the new extension at this location is 2m high, with a pitched glazed roof over. This ensures the extension is subordinate to the main house, along with preventing overlooking or an overbearing impact to the neighbouring properties. The overall appearance of the extension is complimentary to the existing main house and context, allowing for new brickwork to match existing in joint and bond. The materials of brick and simple glazed elements, allow for the extension to remain sensitive to the existing main structure and the original plan form can still be easily read.